The Live Fearless Foundation
Our Mission
Nothing Worth Having Comes from a Comfort Zone
The Live Fearless Foundation is a registered 501(c)3, non-profit organization, founded on the principal: "Nothing Worth Having Comes from a Comfort Zone!" We believe that every student should have the opportunity to pursue their passions, dream big, and walk fearlessly into their limitless future. The Live Fearless Foundation is dedicated to providing life changing opportunities and resources that do just that!

Resources and Scholarships
Fearless First
Living Fearlessly begins the moment you begin to experience life outside of your comfort zone. The Live Fearless Foundation wants to give your student that opportunity. Click here to learn about opportunties to take part in a once in a lifetime "Fearless First" time experience.
News + More
My second children's book, Fiona the Fearless Fox and Her Most Amazing Socks, is now available for purchase! Join Fiona the Fearless Fox as she embarks on her latest journey embracing her unique style (crazy socks and all!), empowering her pals to celebrate their authenticity, and reminding all of us that “being true to yourself never goes out of style.” Click HERE to purchase your copy!